
Dizital Concept

Email Marketing

Remarkable Email marketing is a cost-effective way to grow your business

Talk to our specialist team

Engage and close more lead with Creative Successful Email campaign

Email Marketing Campaign

Email Marketing is a direct method to communicate with your customer. It is use to send information about your product or services. Email campaign allows your customer to be aware of your marketing activities. You can inform them about a new product that you launched, to promote a service or any discount and others. Our email marketing agency design, build, optimise the emails. We send bulk emails to all your customers.

In 2019 alone, 293.6 million emails were send and received daily. Email marketing is the oldest online marketing solution. It is still the most effective marketing tactics used by most businesses. Mail marketing generates the best Rate of Investment (ROI) by the email reaches the inbox.  Direct Marketing Association claimed an effective mail advertising brings revenue. Each $1 spent it brings $38 revenue.

The number of active emails has reached 2.9 billion in 2019 and higher compared to any social media. The basis for using any social media, user need to have an email address so it acts as currency to the internet. Mail marketing has 3.42% click-through rate an average across any devices. It has the most click-through rate compared to any advertising channel online.

Relax and Let Us Simply Manage Your Vibrant Email Campaign

Bulk email service

Our email marketing firm provides a bulk mailing service at a competitive price. We enable you to launch your email campaign easily and simply. We design, send the campaign to thousands of validated email addresses.

Bulk Email Marketing Campaign
Dedicated Email Marketing

Dedicated Emailing service

Our email marketing agency sends emails from your database to your customer. Our graphic design a customise template only for your brand. The email allows you to create a more personalised way to communicate with your customer.

Statistics and monitoring

Our email marketing company tracks and check your emailing campaigns.

Email Marketing Statistic and Monitoring